Period 1 (1450-1648) encompasses
both units 1 and 2
Unit 1.1 & Unit 2.2-
20-30% of questions on the test
Renaissance Protestant Reformation Connected Hemispheres Wars of Religion Period 1 (1450–1648): Renaissance to the Peace of Westphalia (end of the Thirty Years' War) |
basics powerpointLectures04- Overlaps Period 1 into Period 2. Ends w/ Glorious Rev. 1688
Period 1
Textbook readingsPeriod 1: 1450–1648 (Renaissance to Peace of Westphalia)
QuizzesMake sure you put your period (2 or 4) in front of your
first and last name when using Quizizz if you want to receive full credit. Ex: (2) Cummings, David Deadline: Aug 31, 2024, 11:44 PM for both quizzes Ch. 13 Quiz: Deadline: Sep 26, 2024, 11:44 PM
About Me google slidesCreate a Google Slide and share it on the Class Padlet Page.
FILL up your Google Slide and post it in the Padlet for your points. Classwork/homeworkHW Packets will be due the day of the last unit exam. For example, Period 1 covers Unit 1 and Unit 2. Therefore, everything will be due the day of the Unit 2 exam.
Italian Humanists Timeline -Six total HIPPOS for Period One, We will do four of the five HIPPOS together before Unit One Exam. You will do HIPPOS-4 OYO. -We will start the Reading Outlines at Chapter 12, and we will have R.O. Checkpoints where we turn in the outlines for credit. It is expected that you will work collaboratively on the reading outlines in class, along with the quicksheet during group collab time. We will Reading Outline Progress Checks periodically throughout the school year. You are encouraged to take lecture notes on a device digitally. I am happy to share the GLN in google doc form instead of PDF if it helps you. Otherwise, I will aim to print GLN for all students that need it. 1. Period One Quicksheets- Unit 1 & Unit 2- 400 points
2. Five Humanists Timeline/Notes- 10 points 3. Six HIPPOS- 90 points 4. Period Timeline- 100 points 5. GLN- 100 points 700 points total- Period One HWP Due September 20th. Key Concept OutlineThe Renaissance (listed 17x and counting) was a EUROPEAN MOVEMENT that grew out of the rediscovery (rebirth) of
the classical texts of Ancient Greece and Rome. Key Concept 1.1 — The rediscovery of works from ancient Greece and Rome and observation of the natural world changed many Europeans’ view of their world.
I. A revival of classical texts led to new methods of scholarship and new values in both society and religion. A. Italian Renaissance humanists, including Petrarch, promoted a revival in classical literature (listed 8x) and created new philological approaches to ancient texts. Some Renaissance humanists furthered the values of secularism and individualism. B. Humanist revival of Greek and Roman texts, spread by the printing press (it's listed six times, it must be important), 1440s challenged the institutional power of universities and the Catholic Church. This shifted education away from a primary focus on theological writings toward classical texts and new methods of scientific inquiry. C. Admiration for Greek and Roman political institutions supported a revival of civic humanist culture in the Italian city-states and produced secular models for individual and political behavior. II. The invention of printing promoted the dissemination of new ideas. A. The invention of the printing press in the 1450s helped spread the Renaissance beyond Italy and encouraged the growth of vernacular literature, which would eventually contribute to the development of national cultures. B. Protestant reformers used the printing press to disseminate their ideas, which spurred religious reform and helped it to become widely established. III. The visual arts incorporated the new ideas of the Renaissance and were used to promote personal, political, and religious goals. ART- Humanism v. Classical Revival Naturalism- Renaissance artists emphasized naturalism, which was a stule that pprotrayed the world as it was (neked), not in the mysteries of sumbolic figures, and the flatness that usually charcacerized art in the MIDDLE AGES. A. In the Italian Renaissance, rulers and popes concerned with enhancing their prestige commissioned paintings and architectural works based on classical styles, the developing “naturalism (listed 4x)” in the artistic world, and often the newly invented technique of geometric perspective. e.g. The Last Supper - Leonardo da Vinci - slopeness, allusion of depth baby. Betcha didn't catch that the first time you saw it. Michelangelo- Sculpture of Biblical David- which means King, right? Religious theme but humanist.... Raphael- The school of Athens- Plato & Aristotle in the middle. Geometric. Balance. Order. Filippo Brunelleschi- CHIEF ARCHITECHT on the CHURCH in San Lorenzo in Florence....wait.....this is an ITALIAN DUDE, using ROMAN ARCHITECTURE (no more goth-medieval) COLLUMNS and ARCHES Medici Family? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. The Northern Renaissance retained a more religious focus, which resulted in more human-centered naturalism that considered individuals and everyday life appropriate objects of artistic representation. C. Mannerist and Baroque artists employed distortion, drama, and illusion in their work. Monarchies, city-states, and the church commissioned these works as a means of promoting their own stature and power. IV. New ideas in science based on observation, experimentation, and mathematics challenged classical views (i.e. Greece & Rome) of the cosmos, nature, and the human body, although existing traditions of knowledge and the universe continued. Individualism/Secularism...Thinkers in the Northern Renaissance retained a more religious (Christian) framework for their thought. -still naturalistic (art) more human centered. - Peter Bruegel The Elder In the Northern Renaissance, there was still a preoccupation with Greek & Roman classics, but as humanism reached the Low-countries & France, as well as Germany & England, people took pains to synthesize humanistic thought with Christian traditions as well. -St. Augustin & Gerome- Those ancient writings was a Christianity that seemed far simpler & more pure than the complex church hierarchy of their own days, and so they sought to return to that simplicity. Blending of Christianity and humanism - Christian Humanism -wait, doesn't humanism mean teach that human beings have unlimited potential? Split decision. Opinions and faith my ppl. Christian humanism led to an impulse for reform in the Northern Renaissance. A. New ideas and methods in astronomy led individuals including Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton to question the authority of the ancients and traditional knowledge and to develop a heliocentric view of the cosmos. B. Anatomical and medical discoveries by physicians, including William Harvey, presented the body as an integrated system, challenging the traditional humoral theory of the body and of disease espoused by Galen. C. Francis Bacon and René Descartes defined inductive and deductive reasoning and promoted experimentation and the use of mathematics, which would ultimately shape the scientific method. D. Alchemy and astrology continued to appeal to elites and some natural philosophers, in part because they shared with the new science the notion of a predictable and knowable universe. At the same time, many people continued to believe that the cosmos was governed by spiritual forces. Key Concept 1.2 — Religious pluralism challenged the concept of a unified Europe. I. The Protestant and Catholic reformations fundamentally changed theology, religious institutions, culture, and attitudes toward wealth and prosperity. A. Christian humanism, embodied in the writings of Erasmus, employed Renaissance learning in the service of religious reform. (Book- In Praise of Folly, (A Satire that sought to undermine political & social institutions, & criticized corrupt aspects of Religious Hierarchies) simple...the philosophy on Christ > secularism....which emphasized Erasmus believed education in both the CLASSICS & THE BIBLE, was the first step in a lasting societal reform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. Reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin criticized Catholic abuses and established new interpretations of Christian doctrine and practice. Responses to Luther and Calvin included religious radicals, such as the Anabaptists, and other groups, such as German peasants. C. Some Protestant groups sanctioned the notion that wealth accumulation was a sign of God’s favor and a reward for hard work. D. The Catholic Reformation, exemplified by the Jesuit Order and the Council of Trent, revived the church but cemented the division within Christianity. II. Religious reform both increased state control of religious institutions and provided justifications for challenging state authority. A. Monarchs and princes, such as the English rulers Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, initiated religious reform from the top down in an effort to exercise greater control over religious life and morality. B. Some Protestants, including Calvin and the Anabaptists, refused to recognize the subordination of the church to the secular state. C. Religious conflicts became a basis for challenging the monarchs’ control of religious institutions. III. Conflicts among religious groups overlapped with political and economic competition within and among states. A. Issues of religious reform exacerbated conflicts between the monarchy and the nobility, as in the French wars of religion. B. Habsburg rulers confronted an expanded Ottoman Empire while attempting unsuccessfully to restore Catholic unity across Europe. C. States exploited religious conflicts to promote political and economic interests. D. A few states, such as France with the Edict of Nantes, allowed religious pluralism in order to maintain domestic peace. Key Concept 1.3 — Europeans explored and settled overseas territories, encountering and interacting with indigenous populations. I. European nations were driven by commercial and religious motives to explore overseas territories and establish colonies. A. European states sought direct access to gold, spices, and luxury goods as a means to enhance personal wealth and state power. B. The rise of mercantilism gave the state a new role in promoting commercial development and the acquisition of colonies overseas. C. Christianity was a stimulus for exploration as governments and religious authorities sought to spread the faith, and for some it served as a justification for the subjugation of indigenous civilizations. II. Advances in navigation, cartography, and military technology enabled Europeans to establish overseas colonies and empires. III. Europeans established overseas empires and trade networks through coercion and negotiation. A. The Portuguese established a commercial network along the African coast, in South and East Asia, and in South America in the late 15th and throughout the 16th centuries. B. The Spanish established colonies across the Americas, the Caribbean, and the Pacific, which made Spain a dominant state in Europe in the 16th century. C. The Atlantic nations of France, England, and the Netherlands followed by establishing their own colonies and trading networks to compete with Portuguese and Spanish dominance in the 17th century. D. The competition for trade led to conflicts and rivalries among European powers in the 17th and 18th centuries. IV.i. and IV.ii. A. The exchange of goods shifted the center of economic power in Europe from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic states and brought the latter into an expanding world economy. B.i. The exchange of new plants, animals, and diseases—the Columbian Exchange—created economic opportunities for Europeans. B.ii. The exchange of new plants, animals, and diseases—the Columbian Exchange—in some cases facilitated European subjugation and destruction of indigenous peoples, particularly in the Americas. C. Europeans expanded the African slave trade in response to the establishment of a plantation economy in the Americas and demographic catastrophes among indigenous peoples. Key Concept 1.4 — European society and the experiences of everyday life were increasingly shaped by commercial and agricultural capitalism, notwithstanding the continued existence of medieval social and economic structures. I. Economic change produced new social patterns, while traditions of hierarchy and status continued. A. Innovations in banking and finance promoted the growth of urban financial centers and a money economy. B. The growth of commerce produced a new economic elite, which related to traditional land-holding elites in different ways in Europe’s various geographic regions. C. Established hierarchies of class, religion, and gender continued to define social status and perceptions in both rural and urban settings. II. Most Europeans derived their livelihood from agriculture and oriented their lives around the seasons, the village, or the manor, although economic changes began to alter rural production and power. A. Subsistence agriculture was the rule in most areas, with three-crop field rotation in the north and two-crop rotation in the Mediterranean; in many cases, farmers paid rent and labor services for their lands. B. The price revolution contributed to the accumulation of capital and the expansion of the market economy through the commercialization of agriculture, which benefited large landowners in western Europe. C. As western Europe moved toward a free peasantry and commercial agriculture, serfdom was codified in the east, where nobles continued to dominate economic life on large estates. D. The attempts of landlords to increase their revenues by restricting or abolishing the traditional rights of peasants led to revolt. III. Population shifts and growing commerce caused the expansion of cities, which often placed stress on their traditional political and social structures. A. Population recovered to its pre–Great Plague level in the 16th century, and continuing population pressures contributed to uneven price increases; agricultural commodities increased more sharply than wages, reducing living standards for some. B. Migrants to the cities challenged the ability of merchant elites and craft guilds to govern, and strained resources. C. Social dislocation, coupled with the shifting authority of religious institutions during the Reformation, left city governments with the task of regulating public morals. IV. The family remained the primary social and economic institution of early modern Europe and took several forms, including the nuclear family. A. Rural and urban households worked as units, with men and women engaged in separate but complementary tasks. B. The Renaissance and Reformation raised debates about female education and women’s roles in the family, church, and society. Liberal Studies- Rhetoric, History, Grammar, Moral Philosophy, Logic. C. From the late 16th century forward, Europeans responded to economic and environmental challenges, such as the Little Ice Age, by delaying marriage and childbearing. This European marriage pattern restrained population growth and ultimately improved the economic condition of families. V. Popular culture, leisure activities, and rituals reflecting the continued popularity of folk ideas reinforced and sometimes challenged communal ties and norms. A. Leisure activities continued to be organized according to the religious calendar and the agricultural cycle and remained communal in nature. B. Local and church authorities continued to enforce communal norms through rituals of public humiliation. C. Reflecting folk ideas and social and economic upheaval, accusations of witchcraft peaked between 1580 and 1650. Key Concept 1.5 — The struggle for sovereignty within and among states resulted in varying degrees of political centralization. I. The new concept of the sovereign state and secular systems of law played a central role in the creation of new political institutions. A. New monarchies laid the foundation for the centralized modern state by establishing monopolies on tax collection, employing military force, dispensing justice, and gaining the right to determine the religion of their subjects. B. The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which marked the effective end of the medieval ideal of universal Christendom, accelerated the decline of the Holy Roman Empire by granting princes, bishops, and other local leaders control over religion. C. Across Europe, commercial and professional groups gained in power and played a greater role in political affairs. D. Continued political fragmentation in Renaissance Italy provided a background for the development of new concepts of the secular state. II. The competitive state system led to new patterns of diplomacy and new forms of warfare. A. Following the Peace of Westphalia, religion declined in importance as a cause for warfare among European states; the concept of the balance of power played an important role in structuring diplomatic and military objectives. B. Advances in military technology led to new forms of warfare, including greater reliance on infantry, firearms, mobile cannon, and more elaborate fortifications, all financed by heavier taxation and requiring a larger bureaucracy. New military techniques and institutions (i.e., the military revolution) tipped the balance of power toward states able to marshal sufficient resources for the new military environment. III. The competition for power between monarchs and corporate and minority language groups produced different distributions of governmental authority in European states. A. The English Civil War—a conflict among the monarchy, Parliament, and other elites over their respective roles in the political structure—exemplified the competition for power among monarchs and competing groups. B. Monarchies seeking enhanced power faced challenges from nobles who wished to retain traditional forms of shared governance and regional autonomy. C. Within states, minority local and regional identities based on language and culture led to resistance against the dominant national group. |
Steve Heimler- the goat
Christian humanism led to a shift towards reforming society in the Northern Renaissance.