Watch the two videos at home and take notes.
Hand write the Notes (Main Idea to Main Idea).
Lesson Introduction: Come ready to discuss the videos, and take notes on WWI. Questions and Answers from the Notes (Bold Questions) are due at the end of the period.
Main Idea: The United States mobilized a large army and navy to help the Allies achieve victory.
New Weapons and Technology
1. Air Planes
2. Tanks
3 Machine guns
4. Poison Gas (Chemical Weapons)
5. Barbed Wire
Trench warfare
2. In the seas, to protect our markets, and fuel our allies with supplies, we develop the Convoy System. A system of having defensive destroyer ships escorting merchant ships. (Cut shipping losses in half).
3. What was the reason for the Convoy system?
4. What were women doing throughout the war?
5. What role did African Americans have throughout the war?
There were four Crucial Steps for mass production to take place: (Urgent need for ships)
7. What role did the Red Cross play?
8. Germany was fighting a two front war. Russia pulls out of the war, and Germany pushes troops to the Western front just as the Americans join the fight.
9. Germany collapses.
10. Armistice- Cease-fire or truce ended the war.
Final Toll
Bloodiest war in history up to that time.
22 million deaths.
20 million wounded.
10 million refugees. (Remember, civilians were affected, and a lot of people lost their homes and were affected by this war.)
U.S Totals:
48 thousand troops died.
62 thousand died of disease.
110,000 troops total.
The United States accounted for 1/200th of the total loss of life.
Total Cost of the War: 338 Billion Dollars
Main Idea: World War I spurred social, political, and economic change in the United States.
Hand write the Notes (Main Idea to Main Idea).
Lesson Introduction: Come ready to discuss the videos, and take notes on WWI. Questions and Answers from the Notes (Bold Questions) are due at the end of the period.
Main Idea: The United States mobilized a large army and navy to help the Allies achieve victory.
New Weapons and Technology
1. Air Planes
2. Tanks
3 Machine guns
4. Poison Gas (Chemical Weapons)
5. Barbed Wire
Trench warfare
- Dirty conditions (trenches were disgusting) More people died as a result of the diseases spread than actual fighting.
- Rats
- Polluted Water
- Dead/decaying bodies
- Lice - Trench Fever
- Poison Gas
- Lack of sleep
- Shell Shock
- Trench foot: color change in toes, then they begin to rot. Amputation of toes and feet, and trench mouth. This made their feet turn rotten from the wet and swell up... some people said they could put a bayonet through their foot and they wouldn't feel it
- Boil and skin problems.
- Blindness or burns from mustard gas
- "Spanish Flu" hits the world, including the trenches of Europe.
2. In the seas, to protect our markets, and fuel our allies with supplies, we develop the Convoy System. A system of having defensive destroyer ships escorting merchant ships. (Cut shipping losses in half).
3. What was the reason for the Convoy system?
4. What were women doing throughout the war?
5. What role did African Americans have throughout the war?
There were four Crucial Steps for mass production to take place: (Urgent need for ships)
- Shipyard workers exempted from draft
- Handed out American Flags to inspire nationalism, special treatment, free rides, even raises.
- New techniques reduced construction time.
- Government took over both the commercial and private ship sectors. We built 95 ships in roughly a year.
7. What role did the Red Cross play?
8. Germany was fighting a two front war. Russia pulls out of the war, and Germany pushes troops to the Western front just as the Americans join the fight.
9. Germany collapses.
10. Armistice- Cease-fire or truce ended the war.
Final Toll
Bloodiest war in history up to that time.
22 million deaths.
20 million wounded.
10 million refugees. (Remember, civilians were affected, and a lot of people lost their homes and were affected by this war.)
U.S Totals:
48 thousand troops died.
62 thousand died of disease.
110,000 troops total.
The United States accounted for 1/200th of the total loss of life.
Total Cost of the War: 338 Billion Dollars
Main Idea: World War I spurred social, political, and economic change in the United States.