Unit 1 Navigation Page
PRe-Colony Days 1491-1607
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Unit 1 Schedule
Day 1 Tuesday August 13th, Common Day -Ice breaker TV Show/Music/Video Game you recommend Syllabus, Classroom Rules/Expectations, CED About Me Google Slide & Website Explanation Day 2 Wednesday August 14th, Common Day TV Show/Artist/video game you recommend Hobby/Fun Fact & a Food you dislike About Me Google Slide & Syllabus Signature Due Explain APUSH Exam & go over digital Welcome Packet Please watch for an overview of what is to come the first semester: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnK_oUGzWBQ Quiz 1.1 is now open- Deadline: Aug 31, 2024, 11:44 PM Day 3 Thursday August 15th Pick up HWP Papers; -Go over HWP Columbian Exchange Activity HIPPO 1 Christopher Columbus HIPPO 2 Sepulveda in class Day 4 Monday August 19th Answer any questions you may have by this point in time. Begin Lecture 1.1 HIPPO 3 De Las Casas in class Day 5 Wednesday August 21st Pick up textbooks at beginning of 1st & 3rd Finish 1.1 Lecture Day 6 Thursday August 22nd Unit One HWP DUE, Unit One Exam - (Curved) Discuss & Assign Native American Project groups. Ships Rosters (In Class Reading) Indentured Servant Contract (In Class Reading) Provide some Unit 2 Materials next week Discuss over Short Movie Project AP EURO 1.7 DV 1 First Thanksgiving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ociHVDWxDaY Quiz 1.1 Deadline: Aug 31, 2024, 11:44 PM FLIPPED LECTURE: You take notes at home and we'll go over 2.1 lecture in class next class on Monday/Tuesday of next week. Quiz 2.1 will open next week. (2) SAQ next week. Unit 2 Begins Monday 8/26 Please go to the Unit 2 sub-page FYI 2.1-2.4 will all be FLIPPED LECTURES LectureLecture 1- European Contact
Other cool links/infoFFAPUSH- skill buildingStep #1 Read the question or prompt carefully: Read the question three times and be able to paraphrase the question and know the essential task demanded by it. Answering the question will be the central focus of your essay, and you want to be sure to ATFP:
Prompt: Explain how geographic and environmental factors shaped the development of various communities in North America prior to European colonization. What type of prompt is this? What is your purpose? |
Textbook ReadingUnit 1 encompasses the first and second chapters of the textbook. Read the first and second chapters, skim it anything else, and I'd recommend using post it notes as you read through 30-60 pages of the text book each week.
Unit 1 quizizz deadlineMake sure you put your period (1 or 3) in front of your
first and last name when using Quizizz if you want to receive full credit. Ex: (1) Cummings, David 1.Ask participants to open joinmyquiz.com Deadline: Aug 31, 2024, 11:44 PM Unit 1 HW/ClassworkHW CATEGORY (10%)
I. Signed Syllabus (25 points) II. Remind 101 (25 points) III. About Me Google Slide (50 points) All three Due Wednesday 8/14/24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Lecture 1.1 (100) BYOD or printed 2. HIPPOSx4 *(Rank #1, #2)* (100) 3. Quicksheet (100) 4. Native America Regional Map (100) Misc. HW Points 100 points HW Packet = 400 points Total 500 HW points Unit 1. PROJECT CATEGORY (20%) 9. 1:00-1:30 Smore Project Presentation (partnered) (25) Research, Make Smore Website, Teach, Create something, Showcase. See instructions below for more details. Native American Project Video or Live SMORE Presentations are due _____________ EXAM/Test & QUIZ CATEGORY (35%) Quiz 1.1 (take until 100%) 15 points Exam 1 (T.C. available after) 20 points ESSAY CATEGORY (30%) (2) SAQ 60 points Participation (5%) 2.5/5%, just participate and be a good student and it'll go up. You get half now, and half at the end of the semester for sticking with it through the half-way mark. Kudos! Unit 1 quicksheet/Timeline
About Me Google Slide
Create a Google Slide and share it on the Class Padlet Page.
FILL up your Google Slide and post it in the Padlet for your points. Period 1
1. Cherokee- David, Austin 2. Comanche- Suarez, Traymany 3. Navajo- Yuvi, Kaylyn 4. Choctaw- Ayden, Quinto 5. Chippewa (Ojibwe)- Chika, Sanjay, Eby 6. Creek (Muscogee)- Charlie, Blahut, Rocha 7. Iroquois- Reian, Jewel, Eva 8. Lakota- Myah, Charlize, Katherine 9. Nez Perce- Joseph, Andrew 10. Blackfoot- Zach, Karl 11. California Tribe Tngva- Owen, JD 12. California Tribe Chumash- Raz, Nick 13. Apache- Ethan, Johnny 14. Chinook- Jessica, Damiana 15. Massachusetts- Kimber, Panga Period 3
1. Cherokee- Abhi, Skylar 2. Comanche- Bradford, Dylan 3. Navajo- Peyton M, Arashpreet, Sophia 4. Choctaw- Josh, & TT 5. Chippewa (Ojibwe)- Ken, Sam 6. Creek- Cas, Justin, Alex 7. Irqoqois- Nandini, Erin, Dheeksha 8. Lakota- Simar, Chloe, Kate-lynn 9. Nez Perce- Jason, Tyler, Kharanshu 10. Blackfoot- Lucy, Caleb, Neil 11. Serrano- Aditi, Hansika, Crystal 12. Pomo- Devom, Micah 13. Mohave- Anaken, Gabe 14. Kikapoo- Bachx2, Randy- 15. Natchez- Joe, Dylan Li Native American Tribe Project Research Questions:
a. Social structure-- 1. How is the society organized? 2. Is it communal or hierarchical? 3. Is it matrilineal or patrilineal? 4. What language did the tribe speak? Were there other tribes or bands in the region that spoke the same language? 5. Who were there enemies? 6. Where are they today? Explain their current living situation if they are still around in present-day U.S. b. Political structure/leadership-- 1. Who has power? 2. How are tribal decisions made? 3. What role do religious leaders play in decisions? c. Economic subsistence and trade-- 1. How did they survive? Agriculture/hunter-gatherer, etc.? 2. Did they trade/raid with other groups? Who? d. Dwellings 1. What type of home did they live in? You must include photos, location within America, and maps on your SMORE page. e. Regional similarities and differences 1. Was your tribe unique in the region? What similarities did they share with other tribes in the region? Differences? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Guidelines: You and a partner must select a unique Native American tribe from the image above and you must inform the class about them. Create a SMORE web page or use the google slides template (shareable link) & post your page to your Period's Padlet below.
- Proquest (boolean searches) -Britannica -https://native-land.ca/ Period 1 (1491-1607)On a North American continent controlled by American Indians, contact among the peoples of Europe, the Americas, and West Africa created a new world.
Key Concept 1.1: Before the arrival of Europeans, native populations in North America developed a wide variety of social, political, and economic structures based in part on interactions with the environment and each other. Key Concept 1.2: European overseas expansion resulted in the Columbian Exchange, a series of interactions and adaptations among societies across the Atlantic. Key Concept 1.3: Contacts among American Indians , Africans, and Europeans challenged the worldviews of each group. Tips for saq0. Put your name on the paper.
1. Answer the Prompt. 2. Stay in the box. 3. Label each section A. B. and C. 4. Write legibly. 5. Skip a line if possible. 6. Write 2-3 STRONG sentences answering the prompt. 7. Don't forget to breathe. Review materials |