TutoringMondays or Tuesdays ODD Days, B407 Mr. Cummings TUTORING 3-4 pm
Thursday Mornings F205 Mr. Pourchot 6:30 AM Tutoring Thursday Afternoons F212 Mrs. Walker 3-4 PM Tutoring (if doing t.c., let me know which teacher you're planning on attending + when) Homework
September ScheduleMonday 9/19
HW Packet turn in, KP2 Exam, (2) SAQ Tuesday 9/20 - Make up Exams and SAQs Wednesday 9/21 35 minutes LEQ, Finish 2.4 Lecture, Random Group Presentation, Begin Test Corrections (Bring Textbook+Notes) THURSDAY 9/22 TUTORING and Test Corrections F212 (+2 Free Exam Points For attending) 2:45-4:00 PM (Bring Textbook+Notes) Friday 9/23 (Substitute Teacher) Finish Test Corrections (Bring Textbook+Notes), BAGPIPE Website (Bring Text Books) Library Comp. Lab (1:45-2:45) No School Monday 9/26 Tuesday 9/27 Last Opportunity to do test corrections for Unit 2 Exam: Tuesday during lunch, Tuesday Afternoon 2:45-4:00 PM, and lastly Wednesday during Lunch. That's it. Wednesday 9/28 Random Group Presentations 1+2, Finish 2.4, Review Thursday 9/27 WRITING WORKSHOP After School F212 (LEQ + SAQ) (+3 Essay Points for attending!!!) Friday 9/30 KP3 Exam, (2) SAQ HW: (Ten HIPPOS Due, Unit 3 Quicksheet due) Unit 1-2-3 was blended together
Ignore this page below, with exception to review videos
Textbook Readingsprimary source readingsLecturesHomework |
Bring your textbookPeriod 3 (1754-1800)British imperial attempts to reassert control over its colonies and the colonial reaction to these attempts produced a new American republic, along with struggles over the new nation's social, political, and economic identity.
Key Concept 3.1: Britain's victory over France in the imperial struggle for North America led to new conflicts among the British Government, the North American colonists, and American Indians, culminating in the creation of a new nation, the United States. Key Concept 3.2: In the late 18th Century, new experiments with democratic ideas and republican forms of government, as well as other new religious, economic, and cultural ideas, challenged traditional imperial systems across the Atlantic World. Key Concept 3.3: Migration within North America, cooperative interaction, and competition for resources raised questions about boundaries and policies, intensified conflicts among peoples and nations, and led to contests over the creation of a multi-ethnic, multiracial national identity. Key concept term/people
Unit 3 calendar |
Big Ideas
1. How did the 7 Year's War alter the relationship between the British and the colonists? 2. What arguments did colonists use to resist Britain's actions after the war? SAQ 10:47 Consolidate -take over Re-write the prompt on your paper, and break the box up into four sections |
3.2 Big Ideas
1) How did the Enlightenment ideas lead to the American Revolution? 2) How was the Constitution able to pass in light of conflicting interests? (North vs South) and (Federalists vs Anti-Federalists) 3. How did Protestant Evangelical Religious fervor lead to a New American Identity? |
Big Ideas
1. How was Native American life affected after the removal of the French? 2. What led to the development of the first political parties? 3. How did "republican motherhood" affect the roles of women? |
2015 Unit 3 schedule- ignore
50 point Project
You have one minute to line up in birthday order Jan 1st-Dec 31 In order, you will be responsible for a 2 minute colony presentation, one week from today, with whomever you are randomly partnered up with on this day. You need to include 4 things in your presentation: Any type of visual aid that helps your peers remember your colony (bonus points if it's wall-worthy and can be placed on the classroom timeline). You need to address religion in your presentation, you need to address any major events/conflicts that took place in your colony during any of the previous three key periods. The climate/region/geography and how the environment shaped colonial society/culture. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Become an expert on your colony, enough to explain it simply to your peers in a brief 2 minute skit/presentation/video. Whatever it takes. Think outside the box. E.C. available if you create something wall-worthy, something that will fit on the timeline. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2015 Unit 3 Schedule
Day 1 Friday 9/18/15 1st 7:40-9:42 5th 12:46-2:46 Test Corrections will be available from now until 9/24. 1/2 point per test question, so it's worth it to go. If you received less than a 70% on the exam, you need to sacrifice your Tuesday morning and/or your Thursday morning of next week doing test corrections. This is mandatory. 13 colony quiz 7 minutes SAQ Re-Write/Questions (15 min) Class Timeline/ Class Quizlet L5 (1-10) 3.1 Concept Outline Notes SAQ Day 2 Tuesday 9/22/15 6:30 AM Test Corrections My Room: Portable 1st 7:40-9:42 5th 12:46-2:46 Attendance/Socrative/Seating Chart Road to Revolution Lecture 3.1 Concept Outline Notes Primary Source Readings (90-92) Stamp Act --> Patrick Henry H1 Day 3 Thursday 9/24/15 6:30 am- 7:25am Rm F212 Test Corrections FINAL DAY 1st 7:40-9:42 5th 12:46-2:46 Margin Questions 5 Checkpoint H2 Abigail Adams A Call to Remember the Ladies The Shot Heard Round the World Lecture H7 Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Re-Write Day 4 Monday 9/28/15 1st 7:40-9:42 5th 12:46-2:46 Finish Shot Heard Round the World lecture Alexander Hamilton video Creating a Nation Lecture 6-degrees of Separation due Day 5 Wednesday 9/30/15 1st 9:00-10:22 5th 1:25-2:46 1. Pass back work, (20-min) SAQ grading scale/discussion/examples. 2. (50 minutes to HIPPOS H3 AND H4 FOR STAMPS) Primary Source Readings Socrative voting Discussions H3 John Locke, Two Treatises H4 Thomas Paine, Common Sense 3. (10 minutes) T-Paine APUSH REVIEW Video Day 6 Friday 10/2/15 1st 7:40-9:42 5th 12:46-2:46 Margin Questions 6 Socrative Checkpoint Finish Creating a Nation Flipped lecture- Washington to Jefferson Lecture (25 pts) Due 10/8/15 (questions at the end of Tuesday) 3.3 Concept Outline Notes Day 7 Tuesday 10/6/15 1st 7:40-9:42 5th 12:46-2:46 Margin Questions 7 Socrative Checkpoint (only first six questions) [CP 1,2,4,6] Eliminate 8 of the 10 first amendments. (25 min) [D9] How to Write an APUSH Thesis Statement Review/Exam Information/Timeline Brainstorming Session 3.3 Concept Outline Notes Day 8 Thursday 10/8/15 1st 7:40-9:42 5th 12:46-2:46 Packet Due - Bagpipe Time (20 minutes) Unit 3 Exam Quizlet E.C. Participation due LEQ Planning A New Society Activity Day 9 Monday Minimum Day 10/12 Test Corrections in class this week: Monday in-class, Thursday morning and Thursday afternoon ONLY. No Cell Phones out, bring your text books, work together, use the white board as a benefit to the whole class. Use your notes and piece together collectively what answers you put on the test and why it is the correct answer. Use class time wisely, as test corrections are only going to be available until Thursday. I'll be at tutoring/test corrections at 6:30 am on 10/13/15, and I'll also open my classroom for 90 minutes on Thursday afternoon from 3:00-4:30 pm. (10/15/2015). No more 2nd Lunch Test Corrections. |