use the power point to help answer the __ questions below.
Watch all the videos you see as you scroll down answering all the questions in a google doc that you will share with [email protected]
Question 1: why did this monk light himself on fire?
Question 2: What were the different fighting styles between the Americans and the vietcong? Use Ho Chi Minh Trail in your answer.
Question 3: Watch the two videos below and answer:
Does the United States have a responsibility for any of the horrific causes that resulted from the use of chemical warfare during the Vietnam War?
Question 4: Why was the tet offensive a turning point in the war?
Use the PPT & two videos below to help answer the question.
"If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America”
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
Question 5: Why do you think we don't see coverage of modern warfare like we did throughout the vietnam war?
•By the mid-1960's, television was considered to be the most important source of news for the American public, and, possibly, the most powerful influence on public opinion itself.
•By the fall of 1967, 90% of the evening news was devoted to the war and roughly 50 million people watched television news each night. Up until this time, the war had strong support from the media, the public, and Congress. The military continuously reported that the U.S was making encouraging progress. However, the images did not agree.
•By the fall of 1967, 90% of the evening news was devoted to the war and roughly 50 million people watched television news each night. Up until this time, the war had strong support from the media, the public, and Congress. The military continuously reported that the U.S was making encouraging progress. However, the images did not agree.
Congratulations!!! You've been drafted!
Question 6: What number was your birthday assigned in the vietnam draft?
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