UNIT 6 OUTLINEDay 10 Monday January 29th
Rally Schedule Jeopardy & HWP Due Unit 5 Exam Day 11 Wednesday January 31st Pass out Papers for Unit 6 WWII Begin Project Presentations Day 1 Thursday February 1st Finish Project Presentations The Fallen Video Begin Lecture 6.1 Causes of WWII Day 2 Monday February 5th Finish Lecture 6.1 Causes of WWII Day 3 Wednesday February 7th The Century- HW Assignment (45 min) Day 4 Thursday February 8th Finish The Century Assignment <5 minutes remain In-Class Free time to get caught up Begin Lecture 6.2 WWII No School Monday 2/12 Lincoln's B-Day Day 5 Tuesday February 13th Special Common Day Finish Lecture 6.2 WWII Begin 6.3 War on the Homefront Day 6 Wednesday February 14th Chapter 11 Reading Quiz Day 7 Thursday February 15th Continue 6.3 War on the Homefront No School Monday 2/19 President's Day Day 8 Tuesday February 20th Special Common Day Cartoons Go to War Day 9 Wednesday February 21st Chapter 12 Reading Quiz Day 10 Thursday February 22nd Continue 6.3 War on the Homefront Begin 6.4 Ending WWII Day 11 Monday February 26th Finish 6.4 Ending WWII Stamping two HW assignments during Review time Day 12 Wednesday February 28th Jeopardy Day 13 Thursday February 29th HWP Due Unit 6 Exam Begin the film Back to the Future Day 1 Monday March 4th Finish Back to the Future Explain & Begin Unit 7- 1950s Unit 6 Lecture Powerpoints |
Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Reading Quiz [2/14] 25 questions Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Reading Quiz [2/21] 15 questions UNIT 6 HOMEWORK PACKET1. The Century Movie Questions (Movie Linked below) 45 min
THe Century2. Cartoon Propaganda
Cartoons and HW assignment can be viewed on the link below. 3. Zoot Suit Riots
4. Dropping the Atomic Bombs
Ignore below
Interactive Map Question Introduction1. In Wilson's 14 points, the treaties created _______________________ for minority populations previously part of fallen empires?
2. What two countries sandwich Poland? __________________&_______________________. 3. What country increased their territory by weakening Germany? ________________________. 4. During the peace negotiations, the American President stressed the importance of (________________________) - reducing, limiting, abolishing weapons. |